December 19

Action 4


Fob Off Fatigue Because Now… You’re Feeling FAB’!

You’ll love this tip because it goes against all conventional “wisdom.” But before I explain, let me ask you a question…

When you started business, were you fresh out the gates, pumped up, and excited?

The promise of success and “being your own boss.” I mean… what’s not to like?

But, like anything, over time – it soon becomes a chore (repetitive routines have that affect).

And by now, you’ve most likely developed a habit that can sometimes cause fatigue and boredom. I mean…

Have you ever had that impatient, anxious feeling while you’re working? Like maybe…

You need to be successful right now, right this moment. But It can be annoying and frustrating that you’re not there yet, right? So you set about working even harder, at a blistering pace, to make sure you reach your destination quicker.

Note: Instant gratification’s something we’ve all suffered at some stage in our lives. And there’s no problem with it unless it’s making you feel overworked, bored, and exhausted. (I mean… your health is much more important, right?)

Ask yourself…

Why you’re doing this?

Why you’re starting up a business?

Why not just work for someone else for the rest of your life?

And you can bet your boll**ks to a barn dance – most people reading this will say, easy… it’s because of the money – for the lifestyle it provides.

But think a little harder.

Think of the paradox… you’re working towards a big income to make life more pleasurable, easier, less hassle, and less tiring. You’re spending money on things that make your life less of an effort, so you can gain more time to do everything you’ve dreamed of. Pay off your mortgage, have less to worry about, and buy a new car that attracts admiring glances from all your friends and family.

Go on the vacation of a lifetime whenever it takes your fancy – so you can recharge your batteries and see the world. Provide for your family so you can take time out to relax with them.

So… why the f*** are you drowning yourself in work?

Oh yeah… it’s to get all that shit sometime in the future.


Listen… a very good, extremely successful friend gave me some valuable advice many years ago. And it changed everything…

She suggested I achieve much more if I didn’t work so hard. (Yeah right) – I’ve been told all my life that if I want to reach the top of the “ladder” I’d have to work like a donkey before I see any returns. You know… put the wood on the fire BEFORE you gain the benefits.


I’m not one to ignore contrary advice, so I gave it a go (although deep down I thought she was nuts). You know where this is leading right?


Everything I’d been told by the experts was WRONG! I mean… think about it. Why would you work your butt off, if you could get others to do the work for you (the others that have been told about the LADDER).

And even when you starting out, its much better to do a little at a time every day.

I think it was Gene Schwarz (one of the all time great copywriters) said he worked in 33.33 minute chunks with 10 minute breaks in between. And he only worked four hour days.

Fascinating isn’t it?

Work less and get more done… give it a go and tell me how you get on. Again – you’ll be shocked and grinning are to ear.

Start recharging your batteries now, this second, and watch what happens.


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