December 18

Action 3


Sticking To You Like a Gecko On Roids…

Now here’s the thing… if you want to be successful all you have to do is follow the patterns of people you want to emulate, or “model.”

Easier said than done – because there are obviously sh*t loads of tasks going on behind the scenes. Things you can’t follow or emulate. So how do you do it?…

It’s simple… you subscribe to their lists and become the best listener you’ve ever met!

Purchase their products, study their customer service strategies, follow up messages, copy-writing for their up-sells, cross sells, I mean everything you can get your hands on.

How long did it take them to get where they are? (this can be a ball park time-line for your business, and can be reduced with proper advice, or tips)

Did they start off solo?

When did they start building their team (at what stage)

And don’t do this with just one business… follow at least ten. I mean “tail” them like your life depended on it. Which it does if you’re a serious contender… and you are right?

When you take action on this advice – something will begin to happen that’s hard to imagine unless you actually do it.

Instead of the “fictitious” picture some marketers paint for you of success.

You’ll begin to realize the actual processes needed to be successful. You’ll begin to understand the decisions that have to be taken, how to act, react and how to present products in the right way.

So, here’s the deal…

The other advice out there that say you should learn from someone successful are correct in a way. Although what they neglect to tell you is the more you know about “multiple” successful business. A brighter and more obvious pattern will emerge, for you to see and follow.

Also… this allows you to avoid false indicators on the way. You”ll be able to make instant comparisons, on the spot.

Join the 10% club, and take action now…

Pick ten successful people in your field of expertise, subscribe to their lists and just WATCH.

Observe the way they do business and see what happens in just a few days.

You’ll understand why certain ads work, why they write in the style they do, what they do to motivate people to take action, who they work with, who they avoid, and who they shun.

What you’ll discover is most of the business processes are fairly similar. Which is good news for you because it means you can turn your business around much sooner than you ever thought possible.

Give it a go now… the results will shock you.

Just to clarify, make sure you follow more than one successful person. Make it at least 10.

What this will do is give you better overall perspective. And once the pattern’s implanted in your brain, you’ll be able to repeat the process over and over again…


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