December 17

Action 1


Go Right Now!

Let’s kick off the first tip with some serious questions…

  • What stage were you at – six months ago in business?
  • What did your business look like?
  • Are you sitting in the same seat today – looking at the same screen, doing the same jobs, working on the same projects?
  • How about a year ago or two years ago?
  • Maybe you’ve been performing the same s**t repeatedly for a long, long time.

If that’s the case, there’s no doubt in my mind – you’re here because you want to move forward and develop your business… make your life easier to live, more fun, and more fulfilling experience.

Well, here’s the thing…

If you’re doing the same s**t you were all those years ago – you’ve got to ask yourself WHY?

I mean… it’s a fact that most people want to get ahead and improve their life. Because the self-improvement industry is enormous – so it must be, right?

But it’s also well known that barely 10% of people ever read the stuff they buy (I know… amazing).

Even a smaller percentage who read the information actually “take action.”

Think about some of the ridiculous guarantees offered with some products… it’s because the marketers know this stuff… they know most people who buy their wares never put it to good use.

And the irony is – if they did take action, it would WORK!

There’s only one reason you’re still here, not making progress. It’s because you’re not paying attention and “acting” on what you’re learning (or what you’re learning is useless).

Don’t get me wrong…

I’m not calling you lazy, nothing like that. Sometimes we get stuck in a loop of never-ending work. Hoping one day, it’ll all be worth it. So, here’s the thing…

Stop right now – this second and take a good, hard look at yourself and your actions. Do this at the beginning and end of each day.

Have you made progress? If not, you’re doing something wrong and need to change your actions.

I’m releasing a little book on “the warrior mindset” to help increase people’s efficiency when they think times are tough… Because in all reality – as a society, we’ve got it pretty easy when things are put into perspective.

And I’m not charging a bean for it… it’s FREE!

So, why not start this second?

90% of other readers won’t, but that’s fine because you’ll be amongst the 10% who are.

Every day, make at least one improvement in your business, and by the end of the year, you’ll see for yourself.


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