July 9

8. Writing Content With More Value


Supercharge Your System & Unleash a "Value Bonanza" - With Content That Elevates Your Game With Ease!

You ready?

'Cause, now it's time to take your system from good to GREAT!

Get ready to funk it up with some vibrant eye catching graphics... that'll make your content pop out like fireworks on a summers night!

These bad-boys not only add a touch of visual flair, but also work like gang-busters in breaking up those hefty blocks of text. Say goodbye to boring walls of words and hello to eye-catching, reader-friendly, ball-busting content.

And here's a stealthy little ninja trick...

Add a captivating caption at the bottom of the graphic to draw those speedy scimmers back into the fold. It's like waving a magic wand of engagement.

Okay, imagine this...

You're sharing your brilliant dog-training system, passionately explaining your philosophy. Now here's where the real fun begins...

Sprinkle in an irresistible picture of a furry friend right in the middle of the text. It's like a "pause" button pulling your readers eyes towards it, tugging at their heart-strings.

Trust me...

They won't be able to resist sticking around for more.

So, grab your graphic design hat and let's add some serious pizzazz to your system. The stage is set, the spotlight is on you, and the audience is waiting in anticipation...


Get Ready to bring your system to life with some downright practical graphics that'll have your readers nodding in agreement, saying... "Aha, now I get it!"

We're talking about the precious, pragmatic graphics.

These little miracles are like visual superstars, helping illustrate your points with laser-like precision. They're the secret sauce that add BAGS of value to your system by showing readers exactly how to do something or what that desired result should look like.

Let's dive back into your trusty dog-training example. Picture this...

You're breaking into the topic of crate training, and you want to make it absolutely "crystal clear" or your readers.

So, here's where the pragmatic graphics come to the rescue!

Include a photo of a dog inside a perfectly-sized crate, showcasing the ideal proportions. It's like a visual "AHA" moment that helps readers grasp the idea effortlessly.

But, don't stop there...

You can throw in some comparison photos, demonstrating what a crate that's too big or small looks like. It's like showcasing the dos and don'ts of crate sizing in one captivating visual package. Good huh?

Now, get ready to unleash the power of more visuals & take your system to the next level of excellence!

Here's a quick run-down of the incredible graphic options at your disposal...

  1. 1
    Illustrations: Bring your content to life with hand-drawn or computor-drawn illustrations. For example... teach people how to build a chicken coup with captivating blueprints. 
  2. 2
    GIFs: Show, don't tell. Use animated GIFs to demonstrate step-by-step processes. From kettlebell exercises to engaging your audience, These little beauties are your secret weapon.
  3. 3
    Screenshots: Capture the magic happening on your screen! Share these bad-boys to guide people through website set-ups, app installations, and more. (Think WordPress blog set-up made EASY).
  4. 4
    Scans: Transform physical items into digital treasures. Scan newspaper clippings or other valuable resources to boost credibility and captivate attention.
  5. 5
    Info-graphics:  Make data stand out with visual representations. Use these to showcase multiple data points. It's like painting a vivid picture of how exercise impacts the brain, heart, and beyond.
  6. 6
    Charts/Tables: Simplify data-laden info with eye-popping charts and tables. Manage debt like a pro' by presenting budgeting options at a glance with a pie-chart.
  7. 7
    Mind-maps: Take people on a visual journey through your system. Create mind-maps that break down steps, sub-steps, and essential information. It's like unlocking a treasure trove of essential knowledge
  8. 8
    Links to Multi-media: Share the magic with multi-media! Even in text-based systems, you can include links to video or audio for a hands-on learning extravaganza. No carburetors taken apart without the "know-how" to reassemble them.
So, my entrepreneurial whizz, get ready to dazzle your audience with a visual feast that'll leave them gasping for more. Whether it's illustrations, GIFs, screenshots, or multi-media links. There's a graphic option that will fit nicely into your unique system.

So, let your creativity soar to new levels, making your content a captivating masterpiece.

And remember...

You can seek guidance on platforms like Fiverr.com, or explore user-friendly tools like Canva.com and Bubbl.us to bring your graphics to life.

It's time to fully embrace the incredible power of visuals and take your system to new heights of engagement and understanding. 

Let the adventure begin...

See you in the next powerful installment, or go here to absorb the previous lesson more fully.


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  • Writing content without visuals has become old-fashioned.

    Nobody wants to read long, boring blocks of text. A touch of graphics makes content attention-grabbing. I have learned to use platforms like Canva to get images. 

    On top of that, this platform will help you adjust them to the desired size. I also go with my camera to take pics of interesting moments relevant to my content.

    • Hey there, Owoeye, you content superstar!  

      You’ve hit the nail on the head!

      Long gone are the days of plain, text-laden content. It’s all about adding that irresistible visual flair to captivate your audience’s attention. Bravo for embracing the power of graphics and stepping up your game, my friend.

      Platforms like Canva.com are absolute game-changers, aren’t they?

      Then make it a breeze to create eye-sizzling images that take your content from “huh” to “WOW!” 


      The ability to adjust them to the perfect size ensures your visuals fit like the proverbial glove.

      But wait, there’s more…

      You’re taking it to the next level by becoming a photographer extraordinaire. Snapping pics of those super moments that perfectly align with your content?

      That’s pure genius!

      It’s like adding your personal touch and injecting your own unique flavor into every piece you create.

      So, keep pumping those visuals and spice up your content with eye-popping graphics, while watching your audience become obsessively wrapped up in your brand.

      Remember, the world is your canvas, and you’re the master artist. So, embrace your new found power, let your creativity soar, and create a content experience that’s a feast for the eyes…

      You’ve got this!


      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

  • You make some terrific points in this article, Dedo, and with me, you’re preaching to the choir. 

    Especially when it comes to including visual aids at frequent intervals to help break up those large blocks of text and keep the reader engaged and moving down the page. 

    I’ve experienced this also from the side of the reader and can testify for a fact that I am much more likely to hang around and engage with content that doesn’t make that difficult on me by making me read walls of text, (as you say) without entertaining me at the same time.

    BTW, I also use Canva to make my YouTube thumbnails and all sorts of other graphics and it is a fabulous resource that is available for free.

    • Hey there, Joseph!

      Thanks for your enthusiasm, ’cause it’s contagious… 

      And I couldn’t agree more with your insights.

      It’s like finding a long lost kindred spirit who knows the secret to captivating readers from start to finish (okay, not that much, but you know what I mean)

      Visual aids are absolute game-changers, right?

      They’re the superheroes of content creation, swooping to rescue us from those dull, mind-numbing, intimidating wall of text.

      By sprinkling those eye-catching graphics and visual delights throughout, we not only break up the ZZZZ, but also keep our readers engaged and hungry for more.

      A win-win in my book!

      And let’s not forget the awesomeness of Canva… it’s like a magical toolbox that empowers us to create stunning graphics, eye-catching YouTube thumbnails, and so much more.

      The fact it’s available for FREE is the cherry on top of an already delish sundae.

      Thanks again for sharing your experiences and insights Joe, because for me… it’s like a joyful validation of the strategies we hold dear.

      Keep spreading the love for engaging content and captivating visuals, my friend. And together, we can create a content revolution that keeps readers entertained, informed, and begging for more.

      I wish you continued success in the future and all the best.


      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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