July 6

7. Writing a First Draft


Attention, Fellow Entrepreneurs!

Buckle up & Prepare To Unlock The Secret To Transforming Your Raw, Unrefined First Drafts Into A High-Converting, Mind-Blowing System!

Brace yourselves as I unveil the powerful blueprint for polishing your very first draft into a profit-generating masterpiece!

This ain't no mediocre, dime-a-dozen editing process - we're talking about transforming lame to magnificent...

Turning heads and capturing hearts in the process.

So, listen up...

It's time to level up your game and unleash the true potential of your entrepreneurial ventures. 

DON'T Settle for Average - DEMAND Excellence!

Prepare to witness the remarkable transformation as your dafts morph into a reader hungry powerhouse. This is the moment you've been waiting for. Get ready to polish your way to stardom!

As Joe Sugarman once implied...

"It's like turning coal into diamonds" 

Okay, here we go...

In the last lesson, we talked about how to turn your outline into a fleshed-out system by creating engaging, actionable content. The next step is to review this "piece of coal," and turn it into a finely-cut, priceless diamond.

List of Steps

Step 1: Give Your Draft The Thrilling Review it deserves

So, lets take a closer look at that draft of yours and unleash it's full potential.

Forget about the nitty-gritty stuff like typos and grammar (we'll handle that later), instead, we'll focus on ONE thing...

Is this system going to blow your audience's minds and help them achieve their desired outcome?

First off, take a big picture view. Ask yourself...

Have you covered all the essential steps, making it super easy for anyone to read and implement your system?

If you've followed the previous steps and created a killer outline, you're off to a fantastic start.

But hey, even the best can stumble, so let's critically examine it and make it even better.

Next, consider your audience's level. Are they beginners?

Have you give them enough juicy details or them to dive right in and see stellar results?

Have you skipped over some details, because hey... it's a vast system when you look at all the nuts and bolts. Are their handy links to reliable sources?

What about intermediate, or advanced users?

Have you created the right balance, giving them enough meaty content without drowning them in unnecessary crap?

Remember, you don't want to bore your advanced peeps with beginner-level minutiae.

Step 2: Zoom in & Unleash Actionable awesomeness!

Now lets zoom in and focus on each step individually.

Is the information crystal clear and concise?

Is it actionable?


That's the magic sauce right there!

See, it's not enough to tell people what to do - you've got to show them HOW to do it.

Let's say you're teaching folk to craft persuasive sales letters, and one step is "create benefit-driven headlines" Well...

That's a fantastic instruction, but lets kick it up a notch. Break it down my friend. 

Explain how to discover those juicy benefits and create headlines that shout them from the rooftops.

You could even provide killer templates and jaw-dropping examples. Making it a breeze for them to create those hot hooks.

Once you've tackled each step, ask yourself how you can make it even more mind-blowing. Be creative and see what your competition is missing. Then add that... Strive to be the best.

Step 3: Rally Your dream team

We all know that even the best of us can have blind spots, right?

That's why it's time to call in the cavalry and enlist the help of others to take the system to the next level.

Sometimes, we get so deep into our work, we forget others may not see the logical leaps we take or crucial information we might unintentionally leave out.

Imagine this...

You're teaching someone to drive a car, and it's a breeze for you. But when it comes to explaining it to a newbie, you realize all the things you do unconsciously - like how to put your foot on the clutch while changing gears, and accelerating. Those are the details they need... to conquer that four-wheeled adventure

The same applies to your system, no matter what you're teaching. You want to make sure you're providing enough detail so anyone can replicate the process and achieve fantastic outcomes.

So, here's the solution...

Gather your beta readers, those fantastic folks who are your exact target market. 

They'll be your secret weapons in refining your system. Ask them to read through it, put it into action, and then gather their invaluable feedback. Here are some questions to get the party started...

  • How can we make this system even more mind-blowing?
  • Was any part of the information unclear? if so, how can we clarify it?
  • Where would you love to see more juicy information and detailed explanations?
  • Gimme those tips and examples! Where can we beef them up!
  • Are there any parts where less is more? Share your thoughts.
  • Share the incredible results you achieved when you applied the system.
  • And hey, any other feedback you can provide to make this system an absolute game-changer?

See, it's not about the system itself, but also about how you present it. Let's tap into the collective wisdom of your beta readers and create a system that shines brighter than the sun on a sizzling siesta!

See you in the next session...


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  • It is a great idea to have a team you can turn to that can read and proofread for you.

    I’m thinking of setting up a team of like-minded marketers so we can check each other’s content, as the more eyes you have, the better your content is going to be.

    There will always be something you miss and something that can be made better, and it is amazing how much you don’t see when reading your own work.

    • Absolutely spot on Michel,

      Having a team of like-minded marketers support each other is a game-changer.

      Getting them to proofread your stuff is a sure way to catapult your content to the next level.

      Because you know what they say?

      (The more eyes, the merrier!)

      Each person can bring a brand new perspective. I mean, let’s face it…

      We all have blind spots when it comes to our own work. Our brain plays tricks on us, concealing the imperfections others can spot a mile away.

      It’s why I love when people like you comment on my work. Thank you!

      So, Michel…

      Gather your tribe, harness the power of collaboration, and prepare to revolutionize your content game. So you can…

      Ignite your content Empire, unleash creative firepower, and conquer the universe piece by remarkable piece.



  • Ah, the exhilarating and sometimes daunting task of writing a first draft! This article on writing a first draft caught my attention, as it’s a topic near and dear to every writer’s heart. It’s a journey filled with excitement, creativity, and the joy of bringing our ideas to life.

    The article does a great job of outlining the essential steps and providing practical tips for tackling that initial draft. 

    From setting goals and establishing a writing routine to embracing imperfections and silencing our inner critic, these strategies are valuable reminders for both seasoned writers and aspiring wordsmiths.

    One aspect that resonated with me is the emphasis on giving ourselves permission to write freely without self-editing. It’s in the first draft where our ideas flow, and our creativity takes flight. 

    Allowing ourselves to make mistakes and explore different directions can lead to unexpected discoveries and breakthroughs.

    • Hey there, Dave!

      I couldn’t agree more with your excitement about the exhilarating journey of writing your first draft. It’s a thrilling adventure where our imagination takes the wheel and guides us through uncharted realms of creativity.

      And, I’m delighted to hear the article caught your attention and resonated with you. It’s a topic close to every writer’s heart, and it’s fantastic to see how it struck the right chord for you.

      The article aims to provide practical tips and important steps to navigate the first draft process with total confidence. Setting goals and establishing a writing routine are key ingredients for success, helping us stay focused to make progress on our writing journey.


      Embracing imperfections and silencing our inner critic is another crucial aspect highlighted in the article. We writers (as you’re aware), can be our toughest critics, but during the first draft, it’s all about freeing our thoughts and allowing our creativity to soar. 

      It’s in those unfiltered moments the magic happens, leading us to unexpected discoveries and brilliant breakthroughs.

      So, Dave…

      Keep embracing the joy of bringing your ideas to life on that first draft canvas. Embrace the imperfections, dive into the unknown, and watch your creativity flourish. 

      The journey may have its challenges, but the rewards are worth every exhilarating step.

      Wishing you endless inspiration and remarkable writing adventures.


      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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