July 2

6. Manifesting Your Ideas


How To Convert Ideas Into Actionable Systems - Manifesting Your Dreams Into REALITY!

Now it's time to transform your great ideas and outline into a fully-fledged system. Hang on to your seat, because this is the step where you finally create your content

But before we get into some tips and tricks for creating an engaging, useful, "actionable" system, let me say right off the bat...

You DON'T have to write this yourself from scratch.

There are plenty of options out there, like these...

  • Outsourcing: This is where you turn your detailed outline over to a skilled freelance writer. But "buyer beware," make sure you use due diligence to select the right person for the job. Go here, because I've provided some FREE valuable resources to help the process move quickly and easily.
  • Use PLR (private label rights) content. Here you purchase the licence for content on your topic. This gives you the right to modify the content and then sell it or give it away (like I have above ; ) You still need to tweak the content though, to make it yours and to weed out any crap.
  • Grab some speech-to-text software. If you can speak faster than you type(which most people can), then this might be an efficient, speedy solution.
  • ChatGPT. This is an excellent source for efficiency. Great for blasting out new ideas, and propagating the most mundane tasks associated with online business. A word of caution though. Don't just copy and paste content from this source. Use it as a tool for expediting ideas, methods, and tactics. 


with that lot out of the way, lets talk about how to create your system.

List of Steps

Step 1: Decide On Your format

If you haven't already done so, now's the time to decide how specifically you share this system. As mentioned previously, I highly suggest you share it as a course. But decide whether you'll offer a text or video based product.

One advantage of creating a video-based course is you can demonstrate parts of your system as needed. For example... If you're teaching viewers how to train a dog, you can show all that in your videos.

A second advantage of a video course is its higher perceived value. That is...

If you present the exact same information in a video as in a text format, people will view the vid' as being more valuable. What's more, you can also give your audience multiple versions of your product: the video, audio, and text transcripts.

The downside of making videos is they require more expertise. You either need to know something about video editing and production or be prepared to hire someone to do it for you. But, if you create a good-quality video, it'll leave your audience with a positive impression of you and your system (something we all want huh?)

Step 2: Develop Your Content

Now you're ready to begin writing. You've got a well-detailed outline that includes steps, tips, mistakes, FAQs, examples, tools, etc. Now work from your outline to create your system.

Follow these tips and best practices...

Keep Your Audience Top Of Mind

In the last lesson, you learned all about profiling your audience. Now you want to take what you've discovered and seed the content appropriately. For example...

If you know you're writing to busy parents, you can create examples and other content that will resonate with them. "E.G., it's tough getting to the gym when your evenings are crammed with bathing the kids, getting them to do their homework, and being a first class "Chauffeur" for them.

Don't over-complicate it... keep it simple.

Provide the information your audience needs in a simple, straightforward way. And be sure to provide plenty of tips, examples and other explanations when sharing advanced or complex stuff.

Make Your Content Actionable

Don't just explain thing to your reader - give them actual steps and tips they can take action on. And be sure to include "quick wins"... these are steps that are easy to apply... providing quick solutions. What this does is show people they're making gradual progress over time... eliminating the feeling of "stagnation."

Craft Engaging Content

Yes, agreed your system is useful, but if it doesn't keep your readers glued to the page... it's a waste of effort. So, follow these tips...

  • Use a conversational tone. Because, if you use dry, serious "textbook" style tone, your readers will either fall asleep or click away before they do (imagine you're talking to a friend)
  • Create accessible content. Avoid sounding like you've swallowed a dictionary. So don't use BIG words, keep it simple and easy to read.
  • Share something unique. Everything you do from now on should be as unique as possible. Because it's a sure-fire way to keep people reading your stuff... or watching, listening to it.
    Humans love "NEW"... it's something that's buried deep inside of us. A survival mechanism from the past. So, make the effort.

If you want an example of simple, easy to read, sort of unique content... re-read what I've just written.

See you in the next installment...


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  • This is a good article on educating readers to make their business goals real.

    P.L.R. is an excellent choice, but most people don’t know about this hidden gem. It’s not only legal but also cuts down on lots of work; all you need to do is personalize it. 

    You could literally become an author overnight with P.L.R. 

    I’d definitely hire someone for the video portion. Because I know how long video editing can take, it’s a lengthy process that can make you tired if you aren’t passionate about it.

    • Hi Will

      Thanks for your comment on my latest post.

      And as you’ve stated, it’s not only efficient to use P.L.R., but it also takes away the headache of coming up with new ideas and structuring your content (Everything’s done for you).

      But a word of caution…

      DON’T get lazy and leave the content “as is” and just stamp your name on it.

      Because sometimes the P.L.R.s are low quality and need TONS of editing. It might be an idea to pump segments into an A.I generator like ChatGPT and let THAT iron out the mistakes, etc.

      Never use these tools to substitute your own learning… 

      Because, hey!

      How will you build on your skill-set and become the superstar you’re born to be?

      Have a great day Will.



  • This is such a valuable post!

    I really appreciate how you emphasized the importance of keeping your audience top of mind!

    It really is crucial to remember that our readers are the ones we are ultimately creating content for, so catering to their needs and preferences should always be a priority.

    I also loved the mention of using a conversational tone to engage with readers on a more personal level; it truly helps to build a strong connection with our audience.

    Keep up the great work!

    • Thanks Jenny,

      I couldn’t be more thrilled to receive your kind words. It’s like a shower of appreciation while wading through a day filled with mediocrity. You truly get it—understanding that our readers are the lifeblood of our business.

      They’re the reason we’re here, pouring our hearts and souls into every word. Making them feel like the kings and queens of our content kingdom.

      And hats off to you for picking up on the power of a conversational tone.

      I don’t know about you, but (while writing), I like to imagine having a friendly fireside chat with a good buddy…

      forging a superglue-like bond.

      Anyway, have a great day.



  • Hello, nice article on manifesting your dreams in a much quicker way. These are very helpful.

    But by text-to-speech,do you mean the opposite?

    It is easier to use speech-to-text to write blog posts, isn’t it?

    Does this also work when you have a weird English accent?

    Does this software know how to distinguish it?

    If so, I will give this tip a try. Thanks!

    • Hey there, Lizzy!

      Whoa, you caught me red-handed with that boo-boo! Thanks a bunch for being the vigilant eyes I needed (oopsie-daisy). But fear not, I’ve rectified the error like a ninja with his arse on fire (phew, crisis averted).

      Heads up, my proofreader might need a gentle nudge to stay on their toes.

      Oh, and guess what?

      I’ve got some exciting news for you. I’ve added “ChatGPT” to the list because this platform’s a total game-changer (and then some). 

      It’s like having a superhero by my side, ready to iron out all the kinks, and make everything run tickedy-boo. 

      So buckle up my vigilant-eyed friend, because we’re taking this experience to a whole NEW level.

      Thanks again for your sharp-eyed feedback, Lizzy. You’re a star!


      Dedo (Chief MEME Officer)

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