March 30

19: First Impressions


How To Compose A Welcome Email That’ll Hit All The Right Spots… Making Your Readers Scream For more, More, MORE!

Great first Impressions are a crucial first step… if you get this step wrong, you will “NOT” nurture lasting relationships, new opportunities, job offers, or business propositions… in short, Life WILL Begin To SUCK!

And this, my friend, is why your welcome email is one of the most important emails you’ll ever send to your new subscribers or customers. If you set the right tone, provide value, and build anticipation for future emails, you’ll turn your readers into loyal, hungry, happy fans!

But, on the contrary… if you fail to “connect” with your first emails… your list will freeze up like a popsicle on steroids because cold prospects are bored prospects.

Now you can see how important it is to get started on the right foot, and here’s how…

Step 1: Determine Your Goal(s)

One common mistake most email marketers make is to lavish their new subscribers with an overwhelming amount of tasks. For example, they’ll ask them to…

  • Download and read the product/lead magnet.
  • Watch an explainer video.
  • Follow the business on social media.
  • Share a link with their friends.
  • Rate/review the business.
  • Purchase a related product.
  • Answer a quick survey question.

And so on…

Yes, it would be great if new subscribers did all of these things, but the reality is… they won’t because it’s too much “work.” All you’ll do is alienate them, so make sure you limit your CTAs to one or two and save the other tasks for later down the line when you’ve warmed them up to a frenzy.

Step 2: Draft Your Subject Line

As I keep mentioning… your subject line is one of the most important parts of any content because it leads your prospect to the first paragraph, which (hopefully) leads to the next, and next, etc. Or, as Joe Sugerman once stated…

The headline’s job is to act like a “slippery slope,” in which the headline would suck the person in, then to the second line, the third line… and right to the close.

Step 3: Show Your Excitement & Build Anticipation

If you’re excited about the topic, show it by letting your natural enthusiasm shine through in your email. Tell your reader how excited you are and why. Let them connect with your energy as you share the benefits they’ll get now and into the future.

Step 4: Provide Value

Obviously (if you’re serious about making money online), you’ll want to make a great first impression, build your brand, and establish yourself as an expert in your niche. And, your deliverables will go a long way to making this so, however…

A surprising number of people will download your product without reading or using it. They’ll leave it on their hard drive, and it’ll be forgotten. This is why you need to do two things…

  1. Encourage them to use your product by pointing to a specific benefit (and explaining where in the product to locate it).
  2. Provide value directly in your email. So, even if the person doesn’t review the product, they’ll still receive great information to help solve a problem. And if you’re sharing tips or advice no one else is providing… you’ll be perceived as more of an expert.


Step 5: Develop Your Email

Now it’s your turn to compose an irresistible email using all the information you’ve learned above. Use the following template, but tweak it and make it yours…

NOTE: Your primary CTA is to get your subscribers to start using the product they’ve just downloaded. However, you’ll note we drop a related promo in the postscript for someone who wants to cut the learning curve and get better results faster.

Take a peek…

Subject Line: Here’s your [freebie they signed up for]

Welcome to [Name of Business/Newsletter], [Name of Recipinet]!

I’m super pumped you chose us to help you [get some benefit]. It’s no secret many others are offering [some benefit] out there, but you’ve managed to cut through the noise and realize we’re the only ones who [state your USP or other important benefits].

If you haven’t already downloaded [Name of Freebie], I encourage you to do so right away before this link expires…

[Download Link To Freebie]

This [freebie] will help you [describe the main benefit]. You’ll discover [Insert short list of top three other benefits] And I think you’re especially going to love [some specific portion of the product, e.g., “page 23” or “module 3” or “lesson 2”], where you’ll receive [some specific and desirable benefit].

And get this…

I’m going to share with you an extra secret not many people know about when it comes to [specific topic referred to in the previous paragraph]…

[This is where you provide extra value, such as a little-known tip. You’ll want to use this opportunity to WOW your new subscriber, which will get them rushing to read the product they’ve just downloaded, plus you’re priming them to open any future emails].

You’ll discover more great tips like that inside [the product they’ve just downloaded], so be sure to check it out NOW. Plus, you’ll also want to keep your eyes peeled for tomorrow, where you can expect [build anticipation by letting subs know what exciting information you’re sending next].

See you then!

[Sign off]

P.S. When you’re ready to take [some activity, such as “weight loss” or “marketing” or “your golf game”] to the next level, you’ll want to check this out right now…

[Link To Related Offer]

It’s the best way I know to shortcut your [type of] success and [get some benefit], so check it out!


You’ve received tons of tips here and a template you can use to craft emails that turn the heat up. Be sure to test and track various parts of this email, such as the subject line, to work towards constant improvement and better response.

See you in the next lesson…


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