March 5

13. Mobile Friendly


How To Ensure Your Emails Are Mobile-Friendly For Best Results!

Most people (nearly 60%) check their emails on mobile devices. And most of these are the younger generation… so if they’re all checking their emails on mobiles… how does your email look on a mobile phone?

If your emails aren’t mobile-friendly, your audience will find it irritating not being able to read them properly… and quit! (unsubscribe). If you don’t want this to happen and want to know how to heighten your readers’ mobile experience online, here’s how to do it…

Step 1: Choose a Mobile-Friendly Template

The good news is virtually all good autoresponders have mobile-friendly templates… and most will only carry mobile-friendly/responsive templates. However, when in doubt, ensure your emails are responsive.

Also, be sure to choose a one-column design for your emails. Reading on phones or other small devices will be difficult if you choose anymore.

Step 2: Format For Easy Readability

You’ll want to think about how your content will look on a small screen and how easy it is for your prospects to interact with the content, specifically…

Space Links Out

If you have two links that point to different web pages, be sure they’re spaced out appropriately. That way, people using their fingers to tap on your link aren’t “Fat Fingering” the wrong link. For example…

Let’s suppose you’re sharing a gear list with links. If your entries are short (such as one line each), those links will be very close together. So, you’ll want to add extra spacing between them, so the links are spread out, or even make your entries longer… like one paragraph each.

Use Larger Fonts

Small fonts are difficult to read on any screen but become nightmarish on mobile phones. So, always think of your reader when planning anything online (ease of use). Be sure to use either 13 or 14 size fonts.

Insert Plenty of White Space

When someone scrolls through your text on their mobile, a long paragraph can look like a wall of text and is intimidating to read. So guess what?…

They won’t read it.

That’s why you’ll want to use short paragraphs with plenty of sub-heads. This ensures your readers can eat up your content, one step at a time… bit by bit. NOT in one huge GULP!

Insert Smaller Images

When subscribers sit at their desktops or laptops, they’re probably hooked to the latest high-speed internet. And images inserted in your email will load in a flash without any “lag” time.

That’s not the case with those using their mobiles. They might not be at home and will be stuck on a slower connection depending on where they are and what plan they’ve paid for. So, what happens?…

The large image you’ve inserted won’t load quickly enough, and your subscriber will be gone in a flash (I’ve done this many times, and I bet you have too). So, the solution… use smaller, fast-loading images.

Use Short Subject Lines

You’ll likely know to use short subject lines because most email clients condense them to 60 characters. Worse yet, these same subject lines may need to be even shorter… like, 40 characters or less, to be able to display properly on mobile phones.

That’s not many characters when it comes to persuading your subscribers to open your emails. This means you’ll need to brush up on creating succinct yet effective subject lines.

TIP: If you must create longer subject lines, ensure the first 40 characters share the most important information. That way, those on bigger screens can read the whole message, while those on smaller devices will be persuaded by the essential message wrapped up within the first 40 characters.

Create Clear Calls To Action

As mentioned, don’t bury your links and CTAs within a paragraph. Set them apart with plenty of white space around them so they’re easy to spot and click with “Fat Fingers.”

NOTE: Don’t rely on graphical calls to action because if someone doesn’t load images in your email, they won’t see them.

And finally…

Step 3: Check Your Landing Pages

You’ll see higher click-through rates once your emails are completely mobile-friendly. However, be sure to double-check that your landing pages are also up to scratch (mobile-friendly). Otherwise, conversions on them will suffer. This includes all the same tips, such as… responsive design, fast loading times, spaced-out links, etc.


Creating mobile-friendly emails helps boost your conversion rates… as most users likely read your emails from their phones. The good news is that optimizing your emails for mobile usage makes them easier for everyone to read, no matter their device. So if you haven’t already done so, be sure your emails and any web pages you send your subscribers are optimized to the full.


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